Gisella Anastasia Sukses Lari 42 Km di New York City Marathon 2023!

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Gisel saat mengikuti marathon di Jakarta beberapa hari yang lalu. ( foto: instagram @gisel_la)

“Alhamdulillah, I did it! I finished my first full marathon in 5 hours 40 minutes 13 seconds. It was an amazing and unforgettable experience. Thank you so much for all the support and prayers. I couldn’t have done it without you,” tulis Gisel dalam bahasa Inggris.

Gisel juga mengaku sempat merasa lelah dan ingin menyerah di tengah perjalanan. Namun, ia tetap berusaha untuk melanjutkan lari dengan mengingat tujuan dan motivasinya.

Ia juga mengapresiasi suasana New York City Marathon 2023 yang sangat meriah dan penuh semangat.

“There were times when I felt exhausted and wanted to give up. But I kept running and reminded myself of my goal and my reason. I also enjoyed the atmosphere of the New York City Marathon 2023. It was so festive and energetic. There were people cheering and supporting us along the way. It was such a wonderful feeling,” ungkap Gisel.

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